Charlie ’56 and Naoma (Hopkins) ’54 Henkelmann understand the importance of student scholarships. In 1952, Naoma received a scholarship which enabled her to attend Union College and earn her degree. They have never forgotten the life-changing impact of this gift. Recently, the Henkelmann’s decided to continue the cycle by establishing an endowed scholarship to assist worthy students.
After receiving an offer for an apartment building they had owned for many years, the Henkelmann prayerfully considered their options. Through a series of providential events, they decided to gift the apartment building to Union College.
The college was able to sell the building at full market value. A portion of the proceeds went to establish an immediate endowed scholarship which will assist worthy students at Union. The balance of the sales proceeds went to fund a charitable remainder trust. The Henkelmanns will receive a life income from the trust with the remainder to be added to their endowed scholarship.
While this gift offered several tax advantages as well as a lifetime income, Charlie summed up the real reason they made this contribution. “I realize these students are so much more important than buildings or land,” Charlie said. “We are very pleased with our ‘investment’ in Union College.”
Have you considered the lives you may change through Union’s scholarship program? Students need your help to make the dream of Christian education a reality. There are many ways to establish an endowed scholarship. Appreciated stock or real estate, a life insurance policy, or a bequest in your will or trust all are appropriate methods to create an endowed scholarship.
To find out more about giving an endowed scholarship, see our giving opportunities.