Union’s student missionaries know the meaning of sacrifice. Leaving friends and family behind to venture to a foreign land requires determination and dedication. The campus ministries department at Union College not only assists our young people before they leave, but they also make it a priority to stay connected during each student’s term of service. Through frequent letters, emails, packages and at times even personal visits, Union’s student missionaries understand why “Union never forgets her own.”
Dr Leo ’52 and Claudine (’52) Herber recently funded the Herber Student Missionary Endowment as a demonstration of their commitment to the student missionary program. Each year the income from this endowment will assist student missionaries with their initial travel expenses as well as enable the campus ministries staff to stay connected with them throughout the year. Campus chaplain Rich Carlson comments, “The ongoing nature of this endowment ensures that our dedicated student missionaries will be able to serve year after year.”
The Herbers chose to fund their endowment with a gift of long-term appreciated stock. Gifting stock instead of cash is an excellent method for donors to realize their philanthropic goals. Not only will a stock gift make it possible to give a larger gift for less cost, but it will also provide valuable tax benefits.
To find out more about helping student missionaries, see our giving opportunities.