College symbols

Union College

Our Logo

The current logo was adopted by Union College in 2020 and is used for all official college branding. A simple wordmark, the large “U” emphasizes Union’s focus on each student as an individual while providing a distinctive design element. The two ribbons comprising the “U” reference the college’s heritage of global mission service celebrated at the annual Golden Cords ceremony. This visually and thematically ties the new logo to the two previous college logos which similarly integrated the tradition of the Golden Cords.

Learn more about how to use the logo in our graphic style guide, and find alternate versions for download here.

Union College Warriors

The Warriors

Union's mascot is the Warrior. In 1986, Union's first varsity team was called the "Basketball Witness Team" as a way to allay traditional Adventist objections to competitive sports and emphasize the athletic program's goal of making healthy connections rather than competing for the sake of winning alone. The next year, they chose the name "Witnessing Warriors," and since then the moniker has been shortened to simply "Warriors." Use of the name has been expanded to embrace all Union students, not just athletes. 

Please note: there are neither "Lady Warriors" nor "Gentleman Warriors." The name applies equally to men and women without modifiers. Find teams, schedules and coaches on our athletics page

U on a shield


The college has adopted a shield symbol representing the institution and Warriors athletic teams interchangeably. The shield shape is less evocative of any particular culture or ethnicity than the previous Warriors logo, and it serves as a better metaphor for the spiritual battles for which the Warriors name was originally chosen. Displaying the stylized “U” from the logo, the shield shape illustrates part of the armor of God. Throughout the Bible, a shield is used to describe God’s protection, His faithfulness, and the faith of those who believe in Him.

Clock Tower

When the original administration building was designed by W.C. Sisley in 1889, the architect wanted to include an ornamental tower. For many of the Adventists funding the project, adornment without usefulness was considered sinfully wasteful, and so the idea of a campus clock was born to give utility to the beautiful tower. However, there was no budget for clockworks. When the school opened in 1891, four non-functional clock faces masked an otherwise empty steeple. 

The clock remained non-functional for the school's first 30 years. Through a series of fundraising efforts incorporating the entire community, the class of 1922 raised money to buy the clockworks. (The original clock and bell can still be seen in the Heritage Room of the Union College library.) As the only Adventist college with a clock tower at the time, it quickly became a symbol of the school. 

By 1970, the old administration building had become dangerously unsound and was scheduled for demolition. The Class of '22 again raised funds to keep the clock tower tradition alive. The current clock tower and carillon was built in 1971 and dedicated at the 50th reunion of the Class of 1922.

The Clocktower (one word) is also the name of Union's student newspaper published from 1927 to today.


Since its earliest days, Union's colors have been red and black with gold added as an accent option in the early 1980s. Current branding guidelines employ a cardinal red (PMS 1935C). This website interprets that as rgb(202, 0, 61) or #ca003d. Rather than true black, we use anthracite gray (PMS 7540 C / #4c4f54) and raisin black (PMS 426 C / #27282B) for most marketing purposes. Gold may be represented as honey yellow (PMS 4008 C / #F4AF23) or jasmine (PMS 2005 C / #FED880). 

Golden Cords

In 1906, the senior class decided to honor the Union College alumni working for the Seventh-day Adventist Church outside of the United States and Canada. They hung a map and used yellow string anchored in Lincoln and going out to all the world. Over the years, the tradition became known as the Hanging of the Golden Cords, and continues each year during homecoming. Every student and alumnus who has spent at least one year as an employee or volunteer for the church or affiliated organizations overseas receives a cord.

The map has been recreated four times over the years, and the current Golden Cords device hangs in the lobby of the Everett Dick Administration Building. There is also an interactive digital display that allows visitors to learn more about the people represented by the cords (a gift of the class of 2013). 

This tradition lead to Union becoming known as "The College of the Golden Cords" in 1936, and the theme is reflected in numerous aspects of the college including the alumni magazine, CORDmagazine, and the yearbook, Golden Cords

Rock Pile

"Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen and called its name Ebenezer; for he said, 'Till now the Lord has helped us'" (1 Samuel 7:12). 

Following the example of the Biblical Prophet Samuel, stone-placing was common on campuses in the late 19th century. The Class of 1896 were the first to bring the practice to Union, placing an engraved stone with a time capsule below it next to a freshly planted maple tree. 

However, the Class of 1898 decided to outdo all others. Each senior found a rock and carved their name into it. They then arranged their rocks around "Mammoth," a 3,670 pound stone they moved with a team of horses from a field more than a mile from campus. The location became a popular meeting spot for men and women on campus, and many alumni marriage proposals happened at the rock pile. 

Over the years, some of the rocks moved and the formation came apart. At their 50th reunion in 1948, the Class of 1898 rebuilt the rock pile to its original shape and cemented it in place. 

Slinga de Ink

"Slinga de Ink" has been Union College's beloved and frequently-sung pep song since 1924. Download sheet music (PDF), or click play on the video recorded in 2015, or listen to the Union College Melodians performing the song circa 1947: 

The Union College Seal

The seal depicts a torch bringing light to the world and includes the college motto, "Erunt omnes docibiles Dei." The Latin motto translates to English as, "They shall all be taught of God," and is a quote from John 6:45. 

Use of the seal is reserved for official college ceremonies, such as graduation and presidential inaugurations.